Hello little stars! Como vão vocês? Bem, hoje trago mais uma música mega legal para vocês! Vocês devem estar se perguntando: - Ah, de quem é essa banda "Indigo"? // Clique em "Leia Mais" para saber! *curiosidade no ar.
Bem, sabem o Logan Lerman, aquele menino do filme Percy Jackson e o Ladrão de Raios?
Então, ele tem uma banda, Indigo. Bem, chega, vamos ao que interessa: a música. Aí vai:
Touch Screen - Indigo
Tomato, Tomato, Avacado
Potato, Potato, Rosie O' Donnell
Potato, Potato, Rosie O' Donnell
Tomato, Tomato,
Potato, Potato, Johnny Bravo
Potato, Potato, Johnny Bravo
Touch Screen, you know what I
You got me on your TV Screen
Touch Me, until I bleed
You got me on your TV Screen
Touch Me, until I bleed
know what I'm
saying now
saying now
I can't compete with the ground
I'm flowing on my sound and I'm
writing it down
I'm flowing on my sound and I'm
writing it down
I'm on a mission to mars and I'm burning up cars
I'm like a
missle with a pistol and I'm blowing up stars.
I'm like a
missle with a pistol and I'm blowing up stars.
I'm running out
and you know
I'll see you around
and you know
I'll see you around
Touch Screen, you know what I mean
You got me on your
TV Screen
Touch Me, until I bleed
know what I'm saying now
You got me on your
TV Screen
Touch Me, until I bleed
know what I'm saying now
I can't compete
with the ground
I'm flowing on my sound and I'm writing it down
with the ground
I'm flowing on my sound and I'm writing it down
I'm on a
mission to mars and I'm burning up cars
mission to mars and I'm burning up cars
I'm like a missle with a pistol and
I'm blowing up stars.
I'm blowing up stars.
I'm running out
and you know I'll see you
and you know I'll see you
Touch me, Until I bleed
Know what I'm saying now I can't compete
Know what I'm saying now I can't compete
E aí? O que acharam? A letra da música é meio sem sentido, mas o ritmo é muuuito legal! Já conheciam a música/banda?
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Seguindo. retribui?
Honey Bee // Perfect Candy,
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